Cats 101

Serenity Cats - Kitten Blog

This blog is designed to document everyday life of new litters and life in general at Serenity Cats.
My name is Tim and I am the co-owner/operator of Serenity Cats. I help Jackie mostly with technical and morale support.
Jackie takes care of the day to day care, loving, playing and nurturing of these wonderful furry babies in their first few months of their lives.
We thank you for your interest in Ragamuffins and Serenity Cats.

Tim & Jackie

Sunday, January 31, 2010

First Attempt at Video

This is our first attempt at video. I don't think I realized how much work it really could be. Well hope you enjoy and we will keep making more.

Hope your week starts off well.


Tim & Jackie

Winter in Oklahoma

We had a good snowstorm here the past few days. We spent half the day yesterday getting unburied. I will say though that all the times I gave Jackie a hard time about having a snow blower in Oklahoma as silly... sure did come back to bite me. The snow blower sure made short work for the driveway.

We are spending the evening this evening working on videos and pictures and we definitely will have pictures updated tonight and hopefully video as well.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Kitten Spotlight (Diego)

Yesterday I talked about a kitten that I have given a nickname Diego. Please note we make nicknames for kittens so that Jackie and I can understand who we are talking about but we normally just call all of them kitty or kitten when we are calling them. This way it is easier for their forever parents to name them and they will answer to it sooner. Here is a picture of the little "Explorer" himself.

Sorry folks but this little guy has a couple of families looking at him who have put down their deposits. This happened very recently and I encourage you that if you see a kitten you are possibly wanting, please put in your deposit quick because they get spoken for quickly.

We are more than likely going to get snowed in tomorrow, so will be home with plenty of time to edit video... so stay tuned. :-)


We are starting to see personalities develop over the past few days. I am working on some video now to show you all, so that you can see for yourself.

There is one I was calling Dora up till Jackie told me it was a boy, you know like "Dora the Explorer". This little kitten makes a run to break loose and explore whenever it can. Tonight it broke out and ran right for me and I picked him up and instantly he started nuzzling my face and licking my nose. What a wonderful little personality that one will have.

All the kittens are now mobile and getting around very 
well. I am always excited during this phase... this is where the socialization really picks up and our time is 
focused on making their personalities really come out. It is a wonderful job to have!

Keep tuned for video and pics.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

New Kittens

On January 3rd we had four kittens born to Lily and DaVinci. Then on January 4th we had another litter of 5 kittens born to Thea and DaVinci. It was a very busy couple of days and we were exhausted after it.

Over the next several weeks I will be posting comments, pictures and videos showing their growth progress.

Stay tuned for more to come!

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Oklahoma, United States
Co-Owner/Operator of Serenity Cats.
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