Cats 101

Serenity Cats - Kitten Blog

This blog is designed to document everyday life of new litters and life in general at Serenity Cats.
My name is Tim and I am the co-owner/operator of Serenity Cats. I help Jackie mostly with technical and morale support.
Jackie takes care of the day to day care, loving, playing and nurturing of these wonderful furry babies in their first few months of their lives.
We thank you for your interest in Ragamuffins and Serenity Cats.

Tim & Jackie

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Cats 101

What a good piece they ran on the Ragamuffin on Animal Planet tonight for Cats 101. The descriptions were pretty close other than they said that all Ragamuffins are born white and turn colors. That statement isn't true other than some of them do but we have them born all colors.

If anyone has any questions after watching the show tonight. Please feel free to write us. We would love to hear from you and let us know you saw the piece on Animal Planet.

Well Mina's litter is growing like crazy. We now have her kittens with eyes open and starting to walk around. They are just phenomenal... I wish I could totally describe how incredible they are but it wouldn't do them justice at all. I believe Jackie is going to take some pics tomorrow night to post. Keep checking back with us.


Tim and Jackie

P.S. Big thanks goes out to Animal Planet for showing this episode tonight. You all did an incredible job!


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Oklahoma, United States
Co-Owner/Operator of Serenity Cats.
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