Cats 101

Serenity Cats - Kitten Blog

This blog is designed to document everyday life of new litters and life in general at Serenity Cats.
My name is Tim and I am the co-owner/operator of Serenity Cats. I help Jackie mostly with technical and morale support.
Jackie takes care of the day to day care, loving, playing and nurturing of these wonderful furry babies in their first few months of their lives.
We thank you for your interest in Ragamuffins and Serenity Cats.

Tim & Jackie

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Jazmina on the daily show

We are all freaking out in the Ragamuffin community. Serenity Cats very own Jazmina was on Comedy Central's "The Daily Show with John Stewart".

Jazmina all grown up.

-Disclaimer: This is a clip that is for mature audiences. Please use caution when playing it.

This is Jazmina on the toy and she is the one that comes to the video camera at the end of the clip.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Pope Opera
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

Here is the whole clip off of YouTube. It was filmed by one of our fellow breeders Atopcat Cattery before we received her a few weeks later.


Tim and Jackie


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Oklahoma, United States
Co-Owner/Operator of Serenity Cats.
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