Cats 101

Serenity Cats - Kitten Blog

This blog is designed to document everyday life of new litters and life in general at Serenity Cats.
My name is Tim and I am the co-owner/operator of Serenity Cats. I help Jackie mostly with technical and morale support.
Jackie takes care of the day to day care, loving, playing and nurturing of these wonderful furry babies in their first few months of their lives.
We thank you for your interest in Ragamuffins and Serenity Cats.

Tim & Jackie

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Kitty Grown Up

This is from one of our adoptive parents... Enjoy!!!

"Hi Jackie!

I thought you might like to see a few pictures of Bell. She is doing wonderfully and is constantly being snuggled. I couldn't imagine our family without her!

Enjoy the pics!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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Oklahoma, United States
Co-Owner/Operator of Serenity Cats.
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